This is overseen by Margie Malcolm
The Prayer Room
The Prayer Room a dedicated place to pray, to worship, to celebrate communion, to soak in God’s presence and to read the Word. This place is a blessing to many.
Thirty Six Hour Prayer.
On the first weekend of most months we call the church to continuously cover a thirty six hour period in the prayer room from 8am Friday until 8pm Saturday. These are very beneficial times, both for the individual and the whole church.
Pop Up Prayer
Every month we have Pop Up Prayer together. It involves 2 or 3 evenings with an hour of prayer on each evening, praying into a particular subject.
Impact Prayer
Impact Prayer is 7:45 am - 8:30 am each Sunday which is dedicated mainly to praying for the Sunday service.
Women’s Prayer Group
Led by Julie Paranihi, and meets every alternate Monday at 10a.m. in the prayer room to primarily pray for homes, marriages, and families.
InterGen Prayer
On the first Thursday of each month in the prayer room focussed on praying for our young generation.