Healing mINISTRY

Healing Prayer

This ministry is led by Margie Malcolm.

Margie 01

Freedom Church has a trained Prayer Ministry team who minister each Sunday morning, and on call during the week, to pray for healing, deliverance, impartation of the Holy Spirit and a variety of other needs. People are often healed in Sunday services. Some of the testimonies include healing of asthma, joint injuries, broken bones, injured backs, a knee reconstructed and leg lengthened, to name a few. 

healing services

Every few weeks we hold a healilng service on Sunday Mornings.  People regularly get healed as the power of Jesus is released.

Rapha Ministries

Led by Margie Malcolm

Sometimes ministry needs to go deeper. Rapha ministries is a healing and deliverance ministry to bring freedom and peace. This is led by Margie Malcolm.


This ministry is lead by Brigid Iafeta

This is a very effective ministry to spiritually cleanse and bless people's homes.  Some just want to have their house cleansed and blesssed when they move house.  This is service is available to anyone in the community.